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Appealing to White Voters Works!


May 28, 2013. "Don't Write Off the White Vote" by Daniel Greenfield

Romney did not lose because he lost the Latino vote. That's a myth which has been discredited, but is still being used to push for an illegal alien amnesty. Instead of trying to be diverse for the sake of diversity, the GOP might try doing what the other side did, increasing the turnout for its base by actually appealing to them.

The Republican National Convention in 2012 was a study in diversity. It was possibly even more diverse than the Democratic National Convention. It also didn't work...

In 2000, Bush nearly tied Kerry in Grafton County. In 2008, Obama won it by 63 percent. Instead of looking to see why Republicans can't win the Latino vote, it might be a good idea to see why Republicans have begun losing Grafton County; which looks a whole lot like America.

Amnesty for illegal aliens will hit low-income voters hardest. It will punish the very voters that Republicans need in order to win and build up demographics of voters who are not going to vote Republican anyway.

Republicans would be foolish to give up on minority voters, but even more foolish to give up on low-income white voters. In 2011, Republicans had pulled ahead among $30,000 voters, going from 37 to 47 percent since the 2008 election. The real question worth asking about the 2012 election is what happened to those numbers?

August 11, 2014. "The Amnesty Radicals Big Mistake" by Daniel Greenfield

The United States didn’t have an anti-immigration consensus until Obama duplicated the European situation by manufacturing a refugee crisis. Europe developed an anti-immigration consensus when a poor economy collided with large numbers of refugees and a central authority that remained blindly intent on pushing more immigrants and migrants through the system regardless of popular discontent.

Democrats and Republicans plotted amnesty while dismissing the idea of an anti-immigration consensus. They acted as if the rise of anti-immigration parties like UKIP was a purely European phenomenon and that the American political brass ring would go to the biggest amnesty shill.

Now the polls are telling them that they were wrong.

The anti-immigration consensus stunned Tories and Labour alike in the UK. Both parties are still reeling from how easily UKIP exploited popular anger over immigration. And both parties have been forced to learn how to talk to working class voters again. If the same political tsunami hits America, Republicans and Democrats will be even more unprepared to deal with a phenomenon that will make the Tea Party disruptions over ObamaCare seem like a fond memory for the political establishment.

Both Democrats and Republicans have made the mistake of trying to trade the white working class voters that they have for the future demographics of a transformed nation. But like their European counterparts they may find that they have prematurely buried the white working class voter.

November 11, 2014 "The Democrats Failed White Voters"

White voters felt that Obama and his party had failed them. Exit polls showed no confidence in the future. Instead of trying to connect with them, the Democratic Party doubled down on identity politics sloganeering. Obama had won anyway which proved that white voters didn’t matter. Not when a sizable turnout and a disproportionate voting tilt by minority voters could politically erase a more moderate tilt among white voters. It didn’t matter if you were losing the white vote by 12 percent if you were winning the black vote by 90 percent. 

What happened had nothing to do with a black president. It had to do with using community organizing techniques to win elections. The same racial polarization that brought in black voters also alienated white voters. While the Democrats were selling a narrative of Republican extinction, they were the ones whose extremist identity politics were forcing them into a narrow demographic corner.

Obama won by turning out his base and turning off what used to be his party’s base. The more he committed to racial polarization, the weaker his position with white voters became.

The working class white voter had come to be ignored and disparaged by a Democratic Party that envisioned a new electoral politics based on demographic change and welfare voters coming out to protect their privileges and challenge the “disrespect for our president”. The new slogans of the Democratic Party spoke to a rainbow coalition culture of angry minorities and Sandra Flukes who were constantly demanding things while the Democratic Party’s original base was left by the side of the road.

Working class white voters did not shut out Democrats. The Democrats shut them out.

The Democrats took their positions, such as opposition to coal or support for gun control, as a given and no longer even acknowledged the existence of voters who disagreed. The results were inevitable.

In a profound admission of political failure, Democratic consultants are dropping quotes about learning to talk to white voters again. Should a mostly white party really have that much trouble talking to white people? But the white people they’re talking about don’t have much in common with their political establishment of Ivy League grads obsessed with diversity for whom “white people” is a contemptuous punchline. Diversity devalued the existence of white people. Elitist smugness shut out the working class.

November 29, 2014, "Working class white people like Ebola more than Obama"

"This is a group that Republicans can build a national coalition around if the establishment ever figured out how to count its toes, let alone how to count its voters."

July 29, 2013. "More than 76 percent of whites endure joblessness, life on welfare or near-poverty."

"That's the group Republicans need to be working on, instead of plotting their economic destruction with Amnesty."



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