Also there's no connection between cars and traffic. Not a one.
The European Commission will be the "voice of reason" and tell the public that there is no link between the migration crisis affecting the continent and attacks on women in Germany, internal minutes disclose, amid growing fears of a “xenophobic” backlash.
The interior ministry, days after the attacks, said that “people with a migration background were almost exclusively responsible for the criminal acts”.
One perpetrator is alleged to have told police he was Syrian, adding: “You have to treat me kindly. Mrs Merkel invited me.”
So you see... no connection.
Now Eurocrats think there's a connection between any criticism of the migrant invasion and supposed attacks on migrants. Even when some of the attacks, such as some of the fires, were actually started by migrants. Yet there's no connection between migrants and migrant crime.
Also there's no connection between Eurocrats lying to the people and the people hating Eurocrats.
“As far as the crimes in Cologne were concerned, he said that these were a matter of public order and were not related to the refugee crisis,” the minutes say.
All crimes are a matter of public order. But if you fill your countries with the people least likely to be "orderly", then your migration crisis creates a public order crisis.
During the discussion that followed, Mr Juncker’s team stressed “the importance of the Commission's continuing to play its coordinating role and sounding the voice of reason to defuse tensions and counter populist rhetoric.”
They called for “the unconditional rejection of false associations between certain criminal acts, such as the attacks on women in Cologne on New Year's Eve, and the mass influx of refugees.”
At the same time, they agreed that they must “respond to the concerns of European citizens, particularly by stressing that Europe was also a union of security and values."
Actually it's a union where security plays second fiddle to values. And those values require the destruction of Europe to save European values. Or rather, Eurocratic values.