It's truly stunning. If ordinary people had tried to pull even a fraction of these stunts. Even highly influential people for that matter. They would be sitting in a jail cell. The scope of Clinton arrogance and ambition is truly breathtaking in the most horrifying ways. Here's what we are now learning about how Clinton associates tried to bury Hillary emails.
According to FBI interview summaries set to be released in the coming days. Patrick Kennedy, the undersecretary of state for management, discussed providing additional overseas slots for the FBI in exchange for revisions to classifications of the sensitive emails.
What that means is that Kennedy was using government power to try and bribe another government agency to aid the Hillary cover up.
One email in particular concerned Kennedy and, according to the FBI summary, providing a B9 exemption "would allow him to archive the document in the basement of the department of state never to be seen again." The FBI official told Kennedy that he would look into the email if Kennedy would authorize a pending request for additional FBI personnel in Iraq.
A summary of an interview with the section chief of the FBI records management division provides further evidence of Kennedy's attempts to have the classification of some sensitive emails changed. The FBI records official, whose job includes making determinations on classification, told investigators that he was approached by his colleague in international operations after the initial discussion with Kennedy. The FBI records official says that his colleague "pressured" him to declassify an email "in exchange for a quid pro quo," according to the interview summary. "In exchange for making the email unclassified State would reciprocate by allowing the FBI to place more agents in countries where they are presently forbidden." The request was denied.
In the days that followed, the FBI records official attended an "all-agency" meeting at the State Department to discuss the ongoing "classification review of pending Clinton FOIA materials." One of the participants at the meeting asked Kennedy whether any of the emails were classified. Kennedy purposely looked at the FBI records chief and then replied: "Well, we'll see."
So we have rather blatant abuses in State and in the FBI... the agency that was ultimately tasked with investigating all this.
Clinton associates were absolutely shameless about throwing their weight around and the FBI appeared willing to at least listen.