Iran keeps pushing and Obama keeps backing away and retreating.
Iran flew a surveillance drone over an American aircraft carrier in the Persian Gulf and took "precise" photographs of it as part of an ongoing naval drill, state media reported Friday, according to The Associated Press (AP).
Adm. Habibollah Sayyari, the commander of Iran's navy, called the drone overflight "a sign of bravery".
It "allowed our men to go so close to the warship and shoot such a beautiful and accurate footage of the combat units of the foreign forces," he told state television, according to AP.
Cmdr. Kevin Stephens, a spokesman for the U.S. Navy's 5th Fleet based in Bahrain, told AP an unarmed Iranian drone flew near the French aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle and "directly over" the USS Harry S. Truman on January 12 as the vessels were in international waters in the Persian Gulf.
He said the Navy launched a helicopter that determined the drone wasn't armed and "posed no danger to the ship" as the carrier wasn't conducting flight operations at the time.
Stephens called the drone's flight "abnormal and unprofessional."
Now, note the contrast.
When US vessels supposedly wound up in Iranian waters (though there's no way to know whether this is true since it's clear by now that Obama and his cronies will tell any lie on behalf of Iran), the Shiite terror state seized American sailors at gunpoint and degraded them, even they obviously posed no danger.
But Obama forces the US Navy to let Iranian drones overfly US vessels because they "posed no danger". This is what appeasement looks like. There was a pattern of similar incidents before WW2. And the end was inevitable. Aggressors push harder and harder, testing to see if a theoretically stronger nation will fight back. When they see that it doesn't, the real war begins.