The only thing worse than not being able to name a foreign leader or the day of the week, like Gary Johnson, is naming a horrifying country-destroying monster who was already responsible for thousands of sexual assaults. But Hillary Clinton, very predictably, picked the worst European leader of the century as her favorite leader.
“Oh, let me think. Look, I like a lot of the world leaders,” Clinton said, bursting into laughter initially when asked about her favorite world leader during a gaggle with reporters aboard her campaign plane in Chicago. “One of my favorites is Angela Merkel because I think she’s been an extraordinary, strong leader during difficult times in Europe, which has obvious implications for the rest of the world and, most particularly, our country.”
Yes. The implications are really obvious. Especially with more Muslim migrants showing up on the southern border.
And with Hillary insisting on sharply increasing the number of Muslim migrants entering this country. Merkel's open borders policy wrecked the EU and has caused the sexual assaults of thousands of women in a single day across Germany.
Hillary has aided and abetted her husband's sexual assaults. But she wants something even bigger.