The media discovered a sudden devotion to Gold Star moms when it suited its purposes. But when a Gold Star mom speaks out against its favorite anti-American racist of the moment, much less attention will be paid.
“My heart is exploding, my lungs are without air, by blood is boiling, my body is shaking and tears are running down my face. Colin Kaepernick of the San Francisco 49ers is refusing to stand for the national anthem,” the mother said.
“His comment stated that he would not stand and show pride in the flag that represents an oppressive nation “while there are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder”.
“Mr Kaepernick, I am sitting in my living room looking outside at my American flag - flying at half staff. You see, my son’s body lay in the street after an IED blew up the vehicle he was fighting in. His blood stains the sands of Afghanistan. He died protecting the ideals of the flag you refuse to respect. He died so that ungrateful, privileged, arrogant men like you can be just that - ungrateful, privileged and arrogant. Men and women willing to die to protect you because they believed in the ideals this country was founded on. Men and women of all races and religions.
“Ask them, sir, about pride in the American flag. Ask them how their heart feels when they hear the national anthem being sung.
“Shame on you. Shame on you for your disresect towards those who are true examples of honesty, integrity, pride and leadership. Shame on you for disrespecting my son and his life. His sacrifice."
But according to the media, vile racists who incite the murder of police officers and make a point of racial harassment are our new heroes. Not our fighting men.